
MAY 2023

Tanzania SkySafari Itinerary change will make the Manor Ngorongoro the final destination

We have listened to feedback from our partners and taken the decision to rearrange the Tanzania SkySafari itinerary, meaning that from 2024, guests will fly from Tarangire to the Serengeti and then finish their adventure at The Manor Ngorongoro.

There are several exceptional facilities and activities on offer at The Manor, including horse riding around the estate, plantation coffee tour, sundowner cocktails, afternoon tea and relaxing deep tissue massages at the spa. Guests can take a game drive to Lake Manyara National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater on the ten-day itinerary. Following on from the excitement of multiple game drives in the Serengeti, the Manor offers the first afternoon at a slightly slower pace, coupled with a gourmet dining experience and fine wine list, ensuring guests continue on their SkySafari feeling refreshed and energised.

SkySafari rate change for 2024

After a two-year freeze, prices for the SkySafari itineraries will increase by an average of 8% in high and medium season and 5% in green season. The generous single supplement offer will continue to benefit solo travellers. Families and friends can also enjoy savings and exclusivity with our buyout options and preferential kids’ rates.


SkySafari will be at the Karibu Kili Fair from 2 – 4 June in Arusha

Please come along to the event at Magereza Ground in Arusha Tanzania and visit us on stand T38. The event has already registered more than 400+ exhibiting companies from 13 countries and 500 + Travel agents/buyers from all over the world. Do get in touch to book a meeting or simply pass by and we will be delighted to chat through all that is SkySafari. For more info:


Going solo on safari is seamless, sensational, and affordable

SkySafari welcomes solo travellers to experience a trip of a lifetime with VIP treatment at an affordable price. Extraordinary experiences, exceptional service and privileged access await as you explore some of the most breath-taking areas of East Africa. The best part is that SkySafari waives the single-room supplement for the first single room per booking, making it that much more affordable. That means if you’re travelling alone, you pay exactly the same rate per person as someone travelling with a partner, allowing you to have your own space at no extra cost. If you’re travelling with a friend, but the two of you want separate rooms, only one of you has to pay the higher single-room rate – the other travels supplement free. Solo safaris are available throughout the year and travellers can save additional costs during the ‘Green Season’ which still offers great game viewing.

Solo travellers will enjoy all the personal touches, like seamless VIP fast-track airport experience, one single check-in throughout the trip and direct flights onboard our executive style Cessna Caravan, exquisite suites, sweeping views, sundowners, and spectacular wildlife encounters.

During your safari, you can be as sociable or as solitary as you choose. You may enjoy some quiet time during a sundowner, taking in the vast open wilderness or enjoy watching the sunrise from your private terrace as you prepare to head out on a game drive. Sharing game drives, bush breakfasts, and new experiences with like-minded travellers – all of whom have a passion for Africa – can be equally life-affirming and invigorating. The intimate camps on your itinerary are all warm and inclusive, with welcoming staff who ensure every moment of your stay is unforgettable. And after a day out in the wild, there is the camaraderie of cocktails around the campfire, a casual gathering where all are welcome.


SkySafari solo traveller Ann McAllister shares her recent experience on a trip to Kenya

A solo trip can be daunting for most, especially an individual safari journey to East Africa. However, SkySafari makes it easy for solo travellers to venture off on their own thanks to VIP treatment, smooth logistics and no single supplement for the first single room booking. Solo traveller Ann McAllister shares her recent positive experience on a SkySafari Kenya itinerary, which she notes was “the trip of a lifetime.”

Did you have any concerns about being a solo traveller on safari before setting off?

Initially, my main concerns were whether I would have a good time being on my own, especially since most other guests would be couples, families or those traveling in a group of friends. I was also worried that I might not find enough to do during the itinerary. In both cases, I was proven that all my worries were for naught as I had a great time meeting others during my safari and also had plenty of options for activities and experiences. Each destination offered something different, whether it was horseback riding or meeting the anti-poaching sniffer dog unit or enjoying a spa treatment. Also, I was able to opt out of game drives when I started to feel a little tired or opt in when I was feeling refreshed. The people that I met during our game drives became fast friends and we found time to really connect back at the camp as well.

What was your favourite part of the SkySafari?

Spending 10 days out in the bush was extraordinary, I’ve never seen such incredible wildlife and there were many life-changing experiences. One of my favourite parts (there really were so many) was getting to see wildlife from high above in the private plane, which was amazing. I also loved the ease of travel from one destination to the next. I felt like I was floating from place to place, and I never had to think too much about anything, which made me feel even more relaxed during my trip.

What was the best thing about being a solo traveller on safari?

It was great to have a mix of solo time just for me, along with opportunities to socialise. I loved waking up in the morning to a cup of tea, taking in the sounds of the birds and the first morning light. Similarly, I had downtime after lunch to read by the pool or enjoy a spa treatment. I never felt rushed or like I was missing out on something, as my schedule was always determined by what I wanted to do in the exact moment.

What type of group interactions are available?

The game drives and bush walks were great opportunities to meet fellow travellers, connect and socialise, as well as chat about the joys of safari. We also really bonded when we saw spectacular wildlife sightings, such as the pride of lions with all their little cubs playing around them and the parade of elephants – mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and the little babies too. Wilderness adventures tend to bring like-minded souls together so there were many moments of meaningful connections, especially in the back of the game vehicle! I also met wonderful guests during mealtimes and especially during the unique activities like bush breakfasts and sundowners. Really one of the best moments was being able to share memories with a G&T in hand, watching the sun go down after a long, beautiful, eventful day out in the bush.

Is there a good time of year for solo travellers?

When I scheduled my trip, I decided to go in the low season as I knew that it would be less crowded and there would be more opportunity to see birds as well as new babies being born. The green season is traditionally a fantastic time for these events. Additionally, I chose the green season as the pricing was incredibly advantageous. My suggestion would be to find a time where it’s not peak season as you’ll get more out of the adventure.

What are your top tips for solo travellers?

Bring an open mind and an open heart to everything you do! Be sure to connect with fellow travellers and also carve out time for yourself, enjoying time solo – whether that’s reading a book, doing some self-care, or simply watching the beautiful environment that surrounds you. A solo safari is incredibly rewarding and truly a trip of a lifetime. If you want to do it solo, book it now – there’s no better time than the present to enjoy a safari!